Our Ministries


You are not alone.

Our desire is for men and women of all ages and stages to be equipped to learn continually in our primary pursuit of knowing God, love courageously as authentic relationships are our priority, live intentionally to see our daily plans reflect God’s eternal purposes and launch joyfully to join God’s mission.

Life Groups

Don’t walk through your season of life alone. We are passionate about entering into authentic relationships that help us connect relationally, grow spiritually, and live missionally.

Fall Semester: Sept 8 – Dec 1


The Men’s Ministry exists to multiply genuine disciples of Jesus for the sake of every man, woman, and child by striving to create a community of men who reject passivity, accept responsibility, and lead courageously.

Men have various events and activities throughout the year such as an annual Men’s Retreat. Check back for current events.

On going groups for men include our Saturday morning men’s gathering and a purity group on Mondays.


The Women’s Ministry exists to multiply disciples of Jesus for the sake of every man, woman, and child by helping women connect relationally, grow spiritually, and live out the call of biblical womanhood.

Young Adults

This life group of 18-24 year olds meets every Monday evening at the Garcia’s home to have a fun and interactive time of teaching and discussion, intentional conversations, and fellowship together. The purpose of this group is to have authentic relationship with others in a similar season of life and to build friendships and learn how to study the Bible together.

Pkwy Institute

The Pkwy Institute exists as a hub to provide training, equipping, and resourcing for the people of Parkway Bible Church, serving as a catalyst for multiplying disciples as we pursue our mission and vision.

We’re in this together

We want to help you find the best next step here at Parkway as you seek to love and follow Jesus. Let us know how we can help.