…and beyond

We launch joyfully because joining God’s mission is our privilege.
Global Ministries’ mission is commitment to the urgent
and unfinished task of helping to make disciples
of the unreached people groups of the world.

February 16-23
You’re invited to participate in a special Global Ministry focus event!
- Interact with the Wall of the Unreached which represents the 7,000 unreached people groups of the world.
- Learn about and meet some of our Global Partners.
- Gain a better understanding of what God is doing throughout the world.
- Pray for more workers for God’s harvest field.
Choose between two date options, attend with your Life Group, your family, or your friends! Register for yourself and for any childcare needs:

In line with Parkway’s vision to reach every man, woman, and child in greater
Austin, and beyond, with the gospel of Jesus Christ, our Global Ministry
exists to reduce lostness by multiplying genuine life in Christ locally
and globally based on the call of Acts 1:8.
1. We desire to empower gospel-driven believers to engage lost people.
2. We desire to pursue ministry multiplication to grow the body of Christ.
3. We desire to raise up the next globally-minded generation of disciples.

LEARN: Global Lunches
When Global Partners are in town, we love to host a lunch for them after church. This gives them an opportunity to share the work and ministry they are doing world-wide, and it gives our church family time to encourage them! Check back here for upcoming lunch registrations.
CARE: Barnabas Teams
When our Global Partners are serving on the field far from their original homes, life can become difficult keeping up with cultural and language barriers. That’s where Barnabas Teams come in! These Teams are made up of 8-10 people in our church family who want to encourage our Global Partners. Each team supports a different Global Partner (or Partner couple).
This may include sending hand-written notes, staying in touch through email, sending Pkwy swag and items from HEB they miss, etc. (This is not a commitment to support them with on going financial gifts. Global Partners are supported with offerings received from the church family congregation. This is more relational support focused.)
Sign up for more information!
GIVE: Financial Support
Our elders prayerfully and faithfully prioritize funds each year to go towards supporting our global partners financially. 10% of our total budget is committed to church planting and global ministries. Would you consider supporting the vision of reaching every man, woman, and child both locally and globally above and beyond your general tithe?

Global Outreach (GO) Trips
GO Piedras Negras
Our next weekend trip to Piedras Negras, Mexico will be April 25-27, 2024. Pray for the team to reach people with medical care and with the gospel of Jesus Christ! Registration to be part of the team will open in February.
GO Southeast Asia
Our next short-term trip to Southeast Asia will be April 2025. Contact us for more info.

Our “launch joyfully” ministry at Parkway is called Embark. Embark is a 2-year discipleship process that equips adults to send or to go overseas. Participants will develop skills and be mentored in their preparation for productive cross-cultural ministry.
If you have curiosity about Embark or motivated interest in knowing more, you may request information from Rachel.
To apply as a Global Partner Candidate to become a Goer or Sender, please follow the three steps below. Begin by reading through the Embark Manual document. Then fulfill the Global Partner Application and Biblical Assessment, in that order.

Our Volunteer Global Ministries Director
Steve Beirn,
has many years of experience in training and launching global partners around the world. He has a heart for the gospel going out, in greater Austin and beyond, and if you want to learn more about our global ministries here at Parkway, Steve would love to talk more with you!