2030 Vision
To Make and Multiply Disciples
Our vision is to reach every man, woman, and child in greater Austin, and beyond, with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We envision a day in 2030 where Parkway Bible Church is marked by 300 everyday missionaries, 30 missional communities, and 3 new church plants that will become the freeway to the future of seeing that vision accomplished
300 Everyday Missionaries
Regular people of Parkway who take seriously God’s great commission to make disciples all around us. We know it doesn’t take a lifetime commitment across the globe to have a daily impact for the growing kingdom of God. He is calling us to opportunities right here in our local community.
An Everyday Missionary at Parkway is someone actively living a B.L.E.S.S. lifestyle where they live, work, and play.
- B: Begin with prayer, focusing your heart on those far from God
- L: Listen with care, demonstrating your agenda to show up for them
- E: Eat together with someone far from God, creating space together
- S: Serve them, seeing needs and being willing to help meet them
- S: Share your story and God’s story, ready to tell about God’s love
Our Everyday Missionaries:
- Develop a F.R.A.N.C. list of people far from God & keep it updated (friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, coworkers)
- Practice B.L.E.S.S. steps with the people where they live, work, and play (including their FRANC list)
- Utilize the Bless Every Home app with their neighborhood.
If you are one of our Everyday Missionaries, Parkway Bible Church commits to:
- Helping you flourish as lights on the Bless Every Home app
- Sending ongoing, regular equipping and encouragement to be living on mission
- Giving constructive feedback and personal guidance as you practice BLESS
- Celebrating stories of life-change with the rest of the church family!
Next Steps to Living on Mission
Swipe Left To See More
30 Missional Communities
Groups of people intentionally gathered together for a purpose – either based off a geography or a specific and common interest
Missional Communities are a gathering of people that:
- Keep BLESS & FRANC principles on the front-burner as a high priority of regular focus
- Remain committed as individuals practicing being Everyday Missionaries in their personal lives
- Adopt the geography or other contextualized opportunity around the group in a way that feels ownership for those far from God
- Intentionally move into “gap areas” where there is little representation for Jesus
Many of our existing Life Groups are operating intentionally with respect to their areas and neighborhoods. We can help connect you to a nearby group.
Alternatively, we are always praying for God to direct the people of Parkway to create new group environments that are committed to living on mission together, so if you’re interested in getting a missional group off the ground to help own your neighborhood, workplace, or another “third space” in life, let us know.
Contact Scott DeSanders at sdesanders@parkway.church
01 Live
We value our Life Groups living on mission, taking seriously the intentionality God had in placing each of us right where we live, with neighbors that may be far from God. We regularly consider and work together with the opportunities God gives us to BLESS those living right around us.
02 Work
God may open the door for the people of Parkway to link arms with other believers in their workplace, prioritizing time to come together in prayer and strategically choosing to love others in their workplace with the love of Jesus.
03 Play
Groups of people with common interests can join together to create an environment that is intentionally inviting to those that may be far from God. They may not choose to come to a worship service first, but they might show up in a safe activity-based space and hear about God's love for them.