Principles & Practices
This document contains the operating guidelines for Parkway Bible Church. It is intended to be a dynamic document and will likely be revised as the church grows and takes on a greater scope of ministry. Revisions will be made according to section V. below.
Scripture provides general principles which serve as guidelines for church leadership. These guidelines have been followed in formulating a philosophy of government for Parkway Bible Church as follows: (Acts 6:3, 14:23, Col. 1:18, 1 Tim. 3:1-7, 5:17, Titus 1:5-9, Heb. 13:7, 17).
Christ is the true source of all the Church is and does, and His glory is to be the objective of every act, function, and motive of the Body, both individually and corporately. (1 Cor. 10:31)
Christ has provided His thoughts and His direction for the Body in the Word. The Bible reflects and contains His mind, His commands, His counsel, and His purpose for every believer. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17)
The Body is to conform to His Word, thus carrying out His will to His glory. That is the Body’s reason for being. (Col. 3:15-17)
Parkway has chosen to be an elder led church. The elders, as overseers of the local church, are responsible for the spiritual health of the Body. They are to glorify Christ by serving the Body according to the biblical principles of love and care. In practice, the elders establish the guidelines and policies for conducting services, programs, and the general conduct of church business. They are to lead by precept and example, realizing they are accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ for their efforts. (Heb. 13:17, Acts 20:24,28)
The qualifications for an elder are set forth in the scriptural passages 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:1-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4. He is to be self-controlled, hospitable, able to teach, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, not a recent convert. He has a good reputation with outsiders, is not overbearing or quick-tempered, loves what is good, is upright, holy, disciplined, above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, respectable, not given to drunkenness, manages his own family well, sees that his children obey him, does not pursue dishonest gain, and keeps hold of deep truths. An elder demonstrates through leadership a commitment to the purposes, vision and the core values of the church.
Any man who aspires to the office of elder is first approved by a vote of the elders, then a vote of the partnership assembled at a duly called congregational meeting.
There will be a maximum of seven elders at any time. Each man will serve for a three-year term. Upon conclusion of his term, he must function in a non-elder role for at least one year before becoming eligible for eldership again. A man filling an unexpired term of two years or less may be eligible to waive this one year at the end of his term and serve an additional term subject to the above prescribed selection process. The Lead Pastor serves as a perpetual elder and is one of the seven. The elders shall annually select a chairman to direct elder and congregational meetings. In the absence of the chairman, the elders will select an interim chairman.
A vacancy created by departing elder may be filled in accordance with “Elders 2.” above. The new elder will complete the departing elder’s term.
The dismissal of an elder because he is not fulfilling the responsibilities and/or qualifications of an elder is the responsibility of the other elders, and is accomplished by a vote of these elders. The exception is the Lead Pastor whose dismissal is covered in “Voting 2.”, below.
Lead Pastor
The Lead Pastor is the spiritual leader of the congregation. In this unique position he provides for the equipping of the saints through a regular ministry of preaching, training, and encouraging the congregation as a whole. His goal is to mature the saints through insightful and accurate presentation and proclamation of the Word, stressing both the understanding and application of divine truths and principles. He provides vital input on planning, ministry challenges, and biblical guidance to the elders during the decision making process. He is often the primary agent in the implementation of the various programs and ministries undertaken by the church. He is accountable to the elders for the discharge of his ministry. He is also responsible for the management of the church office and supervision of all staff. (1 Tim. 4:11-13, 15, 16; Eph. 4:11, 12; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17, 4:2-4; Matt. 5:13)
1. Definition
Staff members are defined as paid employees of the church, whether full or part-time.
2. Lead Pastor
The Lead Pastor will be recruited and hired by the elders with the approval of the voting partners. His salary and benefits will be established by the elders and reviewed annually.
3. Church Staff (other than the Lead Pastor)
The Lead Pastor is the manager of the church staff. With the approval of the elders, the Lead Pastor may delegate responsibilities within the staff for the purpose of carrying out his responsibilities.
The Lead Pastor is responsible for the recruitment and management of all staff. Their salaries and benefits are established by the elders upon the recommendation of the Lead Pastor. Final offers of employment or termination require mutual agreement between the Lead Pastor and the elders. However, the hiring and termination of non-pastoral staff is at the discretion of the Lead Pastor within the constraints of the approved budget. Except for the Lead Pastor, staff members will not be eligible for elder nomination.
4. Performance Review
The performance of staff members will be reviewed on at least an annual basis. The Lead Pastor is responsible for church staff reviews. The elders review the Lead Pastor.
1. Qualifications
Partnership at Parkway Bible Church is open to all who testify to two pastors of their salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and agree with our church Doctrinal Statement (What We Believe), our Principles and Practices, commit to our Partnership Covenant, and complete our Partnership Application. Associate partnership is available for those under eighteen years of age who testify to two pastors of their salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Associate partnership does not include the right to vote. Elders and pastors must be official partners of Parkway.
2. Expectations
Partners of Parkway Bible Church are expected to support their church by participation in worship, instruction and giving of their time, talents, and treasures to the accomplishment of the purposes of the church. Partners should take seriously the Great Commission and the admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ to love one another. (Matt. 28:19-20; 2 Cor. 9:7, Heb. 10:25, John 13:35)
3. Term
The term of partnership is permanent unless one of the following occurs:
- The partner is not in attendance at regular services for a period of six months.
- The partner asks to be dropped from the partnership roll.
- The partner is dismissed due to action, behavior, or speaking in opposition to the Doctrine and/or Practices of Parkway (see Dismissal below).
- Dismissal
The dismissal process for any partner of Parkway Bible Church must follow the pattern established by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 18:15-17. If the partner refuses to repent and seek restoration of fellowship, as determined by the elders, that person’s partnership is terminated.
4. Reinstatement
A former partner in good standing can be reinstated to partnership following an interview with at least two elders and a one-month period of regular attendance.
A dismissed partner will be reinstated by repenting and seeking restored fellowship with the elders and then if deemed appropriate by the elders with the church assembled.
1. Elders
Voting within the eldership is preferably unanimous, but knowing the frailty of mankind, a simple majority will suffice. Exceptions are voting on doctrinal statement, major indebtedness, the purchase or long term leases of real or other property, and the selection or dismissal of elders and amendments to this document. These exceptions shall be approved with no more than one dissenting elder vote.
2. Partners
Voting by the partnership is required for the following: The purchase of real property, calling or terminating a Lead Pastor, the appointment of elders, lease agreements of over 60 months and amendments to this document. A two-thirds majority vote of those present and eligible to vote is required for approval of the above-mentioned items.
Congregational Meetings
In order to effectively communicate major issues and decisions a congregational meeting will be called as provided herein below.
1. Annual Meeting
An annual congregational meeting will be scheduled at the beginning of each ministry year.
2. Agenda
An Agenda will be prepared and distributed to the congregation the Sunday prior to that meeting date. Agenda items submitted by a voting member(s) will be placed on the Agenda at the discretion of the elders. Agendas for meetings called by the voting partners will be part of the petition calling the meeting. In case of emergencies, the requirement for distribution of Agendas may be waived.
3. Special Meetings
A congregational meeting may be called by petition of 10% of the voting partnership of the Church. Special meetings may be called by the elders as required.
4. Announcement
Except in extreme emergencies, congregational meetings will be announced in the church two Sundays in advance of the meeting date.
5. Quorum
The voting partners present at a duly called congregational meeting will constitute a quorum.
6. Attendance
Congregational meetings are generally open to regular attenders and partners alike, however voting is limited to partners 18 years of age or older.
Amendments and Revisions to these Practices
Amendments and revisions to these Practices must be presented to the congregation at least one week prior to a congregational meeting and approved by a vote in accordance to paragraph “Voting 2.” above.
Current Elders and Terms:
Pastor Mark Canada (Perpetual)
Simon Hoppman (Sept 2022 – Aug. 2025)
Shaun Miller (Sept 2022 – Aug. 2025)
Tony Larm (Sept. 2023 – Aug. 2026)
Nick Light (Sept. 2023 – Aug. 2026)
Michael Waldon (Sept. 2024 – Aug. 2027)
Zack LeCroy (Sept. 2024 – Aug. 2027)